Student Textbook, Technology, Instruments and Materials Return – June 25

When: June 25th 8:20-3:00pm Textbook, Technology , Instruments and SEA claim returns:

● Students are required to return their textbooks from this Quadmester or ANY outstanding textbooks from this school year that have not yet been returned.

● Students are required to return technology (ie laptop or Chromebooks)

● Any students in Grades 9-11 are able to hold on to their SEA claim devices. All Grade 12 students are required to return their SEA claim devices.


1. Before arriving at school, please put your name, and your teacher’s name, on a sticky note inside the front cover of each textbook.

2. If you are returning course materials that contain small pieces, put them in a Ziploc bag and label them accordingly.

3. All Grade 12 students who were given a SEA claim computer must return the computer to us with the power cord. Please package the device, power cables in a plastic bag and include your name on a post it note inside the plastic bag.

4. Students in all grades who borrowed technology (ie chromebook/laptop) from the school are required to return the laptop or chromebook to us with the power cord. Please package the device, power cables in a plastic bag and include your name on a post it note, inside the plastic bag.

5. Students who are returning instruments, tape your name to the instrument case.

6. Prior to arrival, please complete the covid self-assessment screening. Please do not attend the school if you are exhibiting any symptoms or have not passed the screening.

7. Upon arrival, please drive up to the school and stop at the front doors. Place each book in the appropriately labelled bin or box (for example, all books for your English course will go in the “English” bin). All bins will be labelled by department.

8. Please return all technology on the cart provided.

9. If another student or parent is returning books when you arrive, please wait for them to clear the area before you approach. You must maintain a safe distance from other people at all times.

10.Please drive off safely