Welcome to Cardinal Carter Catholic School Council’s website. This site is intended to provide you with the information you need about the Cardinal Carter Catholic School Council, as well as serve as an educational resource. Whether your children are currently enrolled at the school or you are just curious about Cardinal Carter from a Council perspective, this link will provide you with member information, meeting dates, parent information, past minutes, and financials, as well as helpful websites. Our council objectives include helping to create and maintain an environment that is conducive to improving student achievement, enhancing communication with parents, teachers, administration, and students, and developing a common vision for our school.
Our council meetings take place in the School Library from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Our regular agenda includes a monthly report from the Principal/Vice-Principals, updates from the Student Council President, discussions regarding relevant school/Council issues, information regarding upcoming events, and reports from our various committees.
Please join us to hear about what happens at Cardinal Carter. With your participation and ideas, we can make a difference. All are welcome.
Chair: Jennifer Barci
Co-Chair: Maria Komljanec
Treasurer: Shannon Masciangelo
Secretary: Francesca Bruno
OAPCE Representative: Jennifer Barci
Members At Large: Laurie D’Urzo, Sorin Maier