
News Stories

Cardinal Carter Student Selected for Give Back Award

Congratulations Avishka!

Avishka has been selected for the Magna International Neighbourhood Network Give Back Award.  She made large contributions to the community by volunteering for diverse initiatives, from tree planting and assisting at farmers’ markets and town festivals to teaching students with disabilities to swim, volunteering at children’s summer camps and entertaining seniors, and even helping to look after a

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Virtual Art Gallery

We cordially invite you to the Grade 9 Virtual Art Gallery, featuring Ms. Leung and Ms. Pasquariello’s Grade 9 Visual Art students.
We hope you enjoy the beautiful work and achievements of our students this semester!

Course Verification Process for Grade 8 and Non-Feeder Students

Selecting courses that suit your child’s learning needs and pathway goals helps to ensure a smoother transition for September 2021.  Parents will receive an email with a copy of your child’s course selections.  

  1. Students are asked to review their course selections sent to the parents’ email.
  2. Complete the Course Verification Request Form here to acknowledge that you have
  3. ... Continue reading "Course Verification Process for Grade 8 and Non-Feeder Students"