News PUBLIC INPUT INTO THE 2025-2026 YCDSB OPERATING BUDGETMarch 16, 2025Join Us in Prayer for Pope FrancisFebruary 27, 2025LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: Transition Planning SymposiumFebruary 18, 2025Schools and the CEC Are Closed for Thursday, February 13, 2025February 12, 2025YCDSB’s Multi-Year Financial Recovery PlanJanuary 29, 2025Extreme Cold Weather TomorrowJanuary 21, 2025YCDSB PA Day: Friday, January 31, 2025January 17, 2025Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee Invites all Applicants Interested in Joining the Advisory Committee to contact The Office of the Human Rights & Equity Advisor by the end of January 2025.January 9, 2025Extreme Cold Weather InformationJanuary 8, 202512345›»