Celebrating IB Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS): Wooden Bike Project

The International Baccalaureate program not only improves one’s academic success, but also allows them to develop social skills that they can carry into their future. CAS is an experience-based opportunity  in which students are given the task to organize various activities that fall into at least one of three categories; creativity, activity, or service. This prepares students for a life outside of school, materializing a future of social success.


As a grade 12 IB student at Cardinal Carter, I had to organize a few CAS experiences myself. I am looking to become an engineer, so what better way to start off than to complete an engineering-based CAS project? Ever since I was young, I wanted to build my very own vehicle. As I got older, I continued to refine the idea to make it a little less costly and easier to build. I eventually decided to create a small, wooden, electric tricycle. The project took a lot of dedication and time management, and helped me understand what it really takes to apply academic knowledge in the real world. I had to use various software programs like Cura, Autodesk Fusion 360, and AutoCAD to prototype my ideas. I changed the shape of the vehicle 4 times throughout this entire experience, making it more reliable and sturdy every time. I learned to use various power tools like drills, circular saws, electric hand saws, and dremels, which made me progressively better at fabricating various vehicle components. The car project helped to strengthen my creativity, dedication, and patience, while also teaching me to problem solve in difficult situations. This 11-month-long project developed my skills like no other, and I am extremely thankful for the opportunity.

Article submitted by: Filip (Grade 12 IB Student)