
News Stories

Grade 9 Orientation Tuesday, September 4th, 2018

Welcome Grade 9’s to your first day of High School!  

This is a reminder that on this day, grade 9 students will only be in attendance as the grades 10-12 students will begin school on Wednesday, September 5th.  Students are expected to be in full uniform and arrive at 8:00 a.m. Once students arrive they are to proceed to the main foyer where ... Continue reading "Grade 9 Orientation Tuesday, September 4th, 2018"

Cardinal Carter Dress Code

All students are expected to be in full uniform at all times while school is in session. Uniform pieces can be purchased at DGN Kilters in person or on their website ( Students must be in gray school crested dress pants, school crested golf shirt or sweater, school rugby shirt with Cardinal Carter crest and all black shoes. Any deviation from ... Continue reading "Cardinal Carter Dress Code"

Cardinal Carter CHS welcomes Mr. D. Chan to the Admin Team

Joining the Cardinal Carter admin team and community will be Vice Principal, Mr. D. Chan.  Mr. Chan is passionate about Catholic Education and has, for over a decade, created, fostered, and supported dynamic learning communities inspired by the Gospel Values.  Throughout his career, he has worked closely with students, staff, parents and community members to create safe and caring learning environments that foster excellence.  His ... Continue reading "Cardinal Carter CHS welcomes Mr. D. Chan to the Admin Team"

Student Timetable Changes By Grade Level – August 28th-30th


Students will be assisted on a first come first serve basis starting at 8:30 am through 2:00 pm on the dates below.  Please follow the following steps before your visit to Guidance.

Step 1: Print the course change from the Cardinal Carter CHS website, Guidance Page.  

Step 2: Select ... Continue reading "Student Timetable Changes By Grade Level – August 28th-30th"